Blast Hose
1/2" ID Blast Hose x 1-1/8" OD
3/4" ID Blast Hose x 1-1/2" OD
1" ID Blast Hose x 1-7/8" OD
1-1/4" ID Blast Hose x 2-5/32" OD

Blast Hose Couplings
Q05 Hose Coupling (Fits 1'1/4" OD Hose)
Q1 Hose Coupling (Fits 1-1/2" OD Hose)
Q2 Hose Coupling (Fits 1-7/8" OD Hose)
Q3 Hose Coupling (Fits 2-5/32" OD Hose)
Q4 Hose Coupling (Fits 2-3/8" OD Hose)

Threaded Claw Couplings
SB1 1-1/4" NPT Threaded Claw Coupling
SB2 1-1/2" NPT Threaded Claw Coupling​​​​​

Nozzle Holders
HE1 Nozzle Holder (Fits 1-1/2" OD Hose)
HE2 Nozzle Holder (Fits 1-7/8" OD Hose)
HE3 Nozzle Holder (Fits 2-5/32" OD Hose)

Nylon Blast Hose Couplings
Q1N Nylon Hose Couplings (Fits 1-1/2" OD Hose)
Q2N Nylon Hose Coupling (Fits 1-7/8" OD Hose)
Q3N Nylon Hose Coupling (Fits 2-5/32" OD Hose)

Brass Bruiser Nozzles
3/8" ID Bruiser Nozzle
1/2" ID Bruiser Nozzle​​​​​​​​​

Polyurthane Venturi Nozzles
1/4" ID Poly Venturi Nozzle​​​
5/16" ID Poly Venturi Nozzle
3/8" ID Poly Venturi Nozzle
7/16" ID Poly Venturi Nozzle
1/2" ID Poly Venturi Nozzle​​

Angle Nozzles -1 -1/4" Thread
1/2" Bore, 90 Degree, 3 Outlets
1/4" Bore, 45 Degree, 3 Outlets
1/4" Boer, Reverse 45 Degree, 3 Outlets
5/16" Bore, 45 Degree, 3 Outlet​​

Angle Nozzles - 3/4 Thread
1/4" Bore, 90 Degree, 3 Outlet
3/8" Bore, 90 Degree, 1 Outlet
1/4" Bore, 45 Degree, 2 Outlet
1/4" Bore, 45 Degree, 3 Outlet
1/4" Bore, Reverse 45 Degree, 3 Outlet

ID Nozzles
All ID Nozzles are custom made in-house to suit customers specific needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and receive a quote.

Thompson Valves - TVII
TVII - Carbide 1-1/4" 90 Degree Outlet
TVII - Carbide 1-1/2" 90 Degree Outlet
TVII - Urethane 1-1/4" 90 Degree Oulet
TVII - Carbide 1-1/4" Direct Down Outlet
TVII - Carbide Large Bore Direct Down Outlet
TVII - Carbide Repair Kit
TVII - Urrethane Repair Kit​​

Thompson Valves
TVI - Carbide 1-1/4" 90 Degree Outlet
TVI - Carbide 1-1/2" 90 Degree Outlet
TVI - Urethane 1-1/4" 90 Degree Outlet
TVI Carbide Repair Kit
TVI Urethane Repair Kit

Posi Seal (Pop-Up Valve)
Posi- Seal Assembly
Posi- Seal Diaphragm
Posi- Seal Retainer Ring
Posi- Seal Valve Plug
Posi- Seal Rubber Seat
Posi-Seal Repair Kit

Auto Air Valve (Aquamatic)
3/4" Auto Air Valve
1" Auto Air Valve
1-1/4" Auto Air Valve
1-1/2" Auto Air Valve
3/4"-1" Auto Air Valve Repair Kit
1-1/4" -1-1/2" Auto air Valve Repair Kit

Pulse Valves
24V 1-1/2" Pulse Valve
110V 1-1/2" Pulse Valve
Mod-U-Blast Pulse Valve
24V 1-1/2" Pulse Valve Repair Kit
Please contact us to determine the correct pulse valve for your machine.

Classifier Bellows
6" Black Bellows
8" Black Bellows
8" X 10" White Gum Rubber Bellows
8" X 24" White Gum Rubber Bellows

Ducting <3
Flex Hose
4" Blast Gate
5" Spiral Duct Elbow 90 Degree
5" Blast Gate
4" Spiral Duct Elbow 90 Degree
4"-4" Saddle Spiral Duct
Flexible Duct
7" to 5" Spiral Duct Reducer
24 GA X 5" Spiral Duct X 2 1/2